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Prehistoric deer-like animals from Europe and Asia crossed the Bering land bridge and thru eons of time and evolution became the black-tailed, white-tailed and mule deer we now know. Over thousands of additional years, whitetails spread out across the continent and adapted to their new habitats. This created nearly 40 original subspecies of whitetails.

Today, with modern wildlife management and study, biologists recognize less than 20 subgroups of whitetails. Deer have been a staple diet of native americans, explorers, and settlers. Market hunting in the mid 1800's drastically reduced deer populations but by 1900, conservation movements were working to restore the decimated wildlife populations once thought inexhaustible. Today, North America's white-tailed deer population has increased to over 30 million animals.
This wide dispersion of deer into varying climates, latitudes and unique habitats has created changes in many of these populations breeding times. In fact, active whitetail ruts now occur from early August thru late February.

In the pages of Rut Hunters, join veteran bowhunter Tom Miranda as he looks into the challenges of hunting whitetails in the eight recognized territories of the North American Whitetail SLAM. With over 30 years of bowhunting experience, Miranda has brought together a team of top whitetail hunters to discuss the differences in habitat and habits, tactics and strategies for hunting whitetail deer in the four corners of our continent and during the unique rutting times that each subgroup experience. Some of the buck hunting pro's include Bill Winke, Eddie Claypool, Melissa Bachman, Stan Potts, Tony Peterson and Don Kisky.
A Whitetail SLAM is an hunter achievement that requires the harvesting and certifying of four unique whitetail bucks, one each from any four of the eight recognized territories. Because of a mature whitetail bucks elusive nature, completing a Whitetail SLAM can be a difficult task, yet with the knowledge acquired from this book, any buck hunter can set out to achieve his goals in hunting mature, dominant bucks.

Enjoy this high quality and in-depth look at hunting whitetail deer in pursuit of the Whitetail SLAM.


Learn about the Whitetail SLAM, it's origins and the territories. A Whitetail SLAM is the harvesting of 4 different whitetail bucks, one from a four of the eight SLAM Territories.
This DVD goes into the differences in the eight whitetail sub-groups and takes viewers on hunts into the four corners of North America.

Witness 12 action packed hunts as hunters seek to complete their Whitetail SLAM. Mature buck hunting can be difficult when the hunter is faced with limited time in new territory. This DVD looks at tactics and strategies for hunters traveling in pursuit of

Chapters include- Hunters are Collectors, Slam History and Territories, The Northern Woodlands whitetail, The Seminole Whitetail, The Northwestern whitetail, The Dakota whitetail, The Gulf Coast whitetail, The South Central Plains whitetail, The Southeastern whitetail and the Desert Coues whitetail.
Great information on how to pursue your SLAM.

Price: $29.95
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